Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1, 2012

Hey Fellow Woozens!! It's -Genie- I created this blog to talk about woozworld!! Going on Now in woozworld is WNS!! Woozworld's Next Superstar Band Edition!!  We had the chance to eneter and see if our bands had the SUPER STAR Potenial. The Woozband (Mya , Jay, Jenny, and, MaxWooz) have picked their favorites for each genre. Mya- Pop Jenny- Country Max- Rock Jay-Hip Hop. Here are the finalists 
                           Pop:The Hot Crew- singing What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I bet all you directioners voted for them!! :)

 Hip Hop:Masterful Beat DemonZ- singing I love The Way You Lie by Eminem feat. Rihannna. I Love this song honestly

Country: Red Hot Daisies- singing Hip to my Heart by The Band Perry. :) I heard this song and now I'm in love with it

Rock:4eva Rockin' (great name :PP)-singing Bring Me To Life by Evanscene I haven't heard this song before but I'm sure it's awesome...

The Woozband said they had a special suprise for us woozens, they'll be giving more info tuesday. It involves MyaWooz getting plane tickets. Woozarazzi said she was leaving woozband. But Of course you can't trust him. She said she would never leave the woozband.(well not exactly in those words but potato pototo).

To end of that fun friday night the Woozband joined to woozens and had a MAJOR DANCE PARTAY!! Also Have you seen the new nominees for Star of The Week? Some of the nominees have caused quite a stir. Check out Mya's WoozIn page for more Info.

Message Me if you want to submit an article for this blog. I'm open to everyone
 , but I can only put like 3-5 articles so don't get mad if your article doesn't get picked I might pick you next week. :)

Peace, Love, and Tacos,

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